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on this page you will find mostly anything
i will be doing this page on almost everything
from your favorite celebrities to your favorite
animal to delight people of all ages also i will be doing this page on things like famous past away celebrities and events that have touched our hearts throughout the years including the famous Edmund Fitzgerald an ore carrier ship that once sailed on Lake Superior sunken to death on November 10, 1975 by the Gale storms of November near White Fish Bay about 60 miles from Sault Ste.Marie Michigan that took the lives of all 29 men who worked on board ..... if you have
anything you wish for me to cover please feel free
to email me

since i have so much that i am covering this page will be never ending...
and may take a while to get things up
...but Please be patient..
i will be adding the pages as i finish
them so ...

please keep stopping back

(also more below the enter sign)

to take you on your way
through ...........


please stop back again ....
this page is totally

